Friday, August 28, 2009

New listings!

Hi everyone,
So I have three new listings and I've decided to share two in this entry.

Please check them out if you have the opportunity. :) They are in need of more views and/or hearts.

Note: I'm having trouble getting things to align properly for this entry, even when I try to edit the HTML itself. Sorry! D:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A shop milestone: first 100 hearts.

I'm happy to say that I've reached my first 100 shop hearts on Etsy. This goal was reached yesterday and I have been listing items for a month. Also I've reached 855 item views according to Craft Cult, which is pretty exciting. 1000 isn't that far off.

Now if only I could make a sale...

I've decided to add a few more listings today, so I'm in the midst of preparing those while I write this entry. I'll perhaps edit this post when I'm done & showcase some of my newest shop additions with listing URL's.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Promoting my sister's new shop:

Okay, so for my newest post I've decided that I'd like to start promoting other Etsians. To start, I've decided to feature my older sister's shop. She sells jewelry locally at the Saint John City Market and is very talented. Her favorite type of jewelry is chain maille, and she sells earrings, bracelets, necklaces, keychains and ankle bracelets made this way.
Her pins are amongst the most popular of her items. Though virtually all of her jewelry is upcycled from older pieces, the pins are made from recylced metals. She cuts, hammers, and solders each piece before aging them with chemicals. Each design is unique and a lot of work goes into every pin. She also does earrings like this, and I believe a couple of pairs are listed on her Etsy account. They're really unique and beautiful!
If you like one of a kind jewelry, and are a fan of upcycled and recycled items, please check out her shop. If you can't make a purchase, views and hearts would also be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for reading! I am going to be on the lookout for new Etsy shops to feature as time goes on, and I'll be posting my favorite Etsy fans as regularly as is possible for me when the semester starts up, so if you have an Etsy shop please follow my blog! You can also find me on twitter -

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back from Newfoundland!

I'm finally back from Saint John's, Newfoundland! I had a really nice time there and was able to browse a number of local antique shops. My mother and I share this interest and we both had fun. While there we were able to visit Signal Hill (for the third time), Cape Spear and Quidi Vidi. I have a number of pictures to share, as well as some possible future prints to offer.

Upon arriving at home one of our neighbors brought us a box of frozen Mackerel. He fishes regularly.
In terms of my Etsy shop, my current 20% off sale still applies. My hope is that this will help to encourage my first sales. Meanwhile I'm trying to branch out and find new ways to promote, so if you're at all interested in my shop I'd appreciate if you followed this blog. I'll return the favor.

A few of my most recent listings from Later on I've got some of my new Etsy finds that I'd like to share. :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Obligatory title: first post!

Welcome to the blog on which I'll keep track of my Etsy shop ( This began as a personal blog but that has since moved.

I'd like to accumulate some followers & find Etsy-related blogs to follow from here. For the next little while I will work on that as well as promoting some of my favorite Etsy finds.

Will write more later, am presently vacationing in Newfoundland.